
Learn how to obtain an .ip account

Open registration allows anyone to register a qualifying name.

Open registrations are unavailable while auctions are live.

Search for a name on The name must not already be registered in order for you to register it. The on-chain normalization will remove any invalid characters such as spaces and periods. The normalization process helps prevent homograph and impersonation attacks.

Choose the number of years you wish to register the domain for. Extending for multiple years will save on network costs (gas) by avoiding annual gas transactions.

Optionally, you can elect to automatically assign your new registration as a primary domain, immediately resolving it to your Ethereum wallet address. This means your newly registered IP domain will be seamlessly linked to your Ethereum wallet in a single transaction.

After clicking next, your Web3 enabled browser will prompt for a transaction for the corresponding amount (base fee x years). You can learn more about the registration fees on the FAQ page.

Once the registration is complete, the .ip domain card will appear in your wallet and in your Profile tab on